Linux Cubed Series 2: Applications
Linux Cubed Series 2 - Applications.iso
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620 lines
logxfilter plsmajor
pladv plsmin
plbin plsori
plbox plspage
plbox3 plssym
plclr plstart
plcol plstick
plcont plsvpa
plcont1 pltext
plend plvasp
plenv plvpas
plerrx plvpor
plerry plvsta
plfill plw3d
plfont plwid
plfontld plwind
plhist plwindow
plinit pread_block
pljoin pread_column
pllab pread_matrix
plline pwrite_data
FROM logxfilter TO plbox
/* DOCUMENT func logfilter(x,y)
Filters the the vectors "x" and "y" of values that are <=0, so that two
adjacent values are both rejected if one is unacceptable. Returns the
modified x vector, so must be called twice with the two unmodified
vectors to filter out unwated values from both vectors for plotting.
/* DOCUMENT func pladv(int sub)
Advances to the next subpage, counting from the top left to the bottom
right, advancing along a given row.
See also: plpage, plclr
/* DOCUMENT func plbin(double array x, double array y, int cen)
Plots a histogram of the values in "x" and "y".
*NOTE* "x" must be a strictly increasing sequence.
If cen=0, the lower boundary of the bin will be placed at the "x"-values,
if cen=1, the "x"-values will be in the middle of the bins.
See also: plbox3,plenv,plhist
/* DOCUMENT func plbox(string xconfig,double xtick,int nxsub,
string yconfig,double ytick,int nysub)
Draws a 2D box with annotations if neccesary.
The two "config" strings consist of a collection of characters which
control the apperance of the box being drawn:
Character | Meaning
b | Draw the bottom (left) side of the box
c | Draw the top (right) side of the box
i | Draw the tick marks to the outside of the box
l | Labels are calculated logarithmically
| (you should, however calculate the logarithms of the data
| to be plotted yourself)
n | Draw numerical labels in the conventional position
| (left and bottom)
m | Draw numerical labels in the unconventional position
| (top and right)
s | Draw minor tick marks
t | Draw major tick marks
(v) | (Draw numerical labels vertically in the case of the vertical
| sides)
The interval between major ticks is selected with "xtick" and "ytick" for
the horizontal and vertical axes respectively. "nxsub" and "nysub" is the
number of subtick between major ticks. If set to zero, an appropriate
default is calculated.
See also: plbox3,plenv.
FROM plbox3 TO plbox3
/* DOCUMENT func plbox3(xopt,xlabel,xtick,nxsub,yopt,ylabel,ytick,nysub,
Analogous to the the two-dimensional case, the command plbox3 is used
for drawing a three-dimensional box.
"xconfig" and "yconfig" are strings of characters determining the
way in which the two horizontal sides of the box will be drawn:
Character | Meaning
b | Draws an axis at the base of the box at z=zmin
i | Draw the tick marks downward, not upward
l | Labels are calculated logarithmically
| (you should, however calculate the logarithms of the data
| to be plotted yourself)
n | Draw numerical labels at major ticks
s | Draw minor tick marks
t | Draw major tick marks
u | Draw numerical labels vertically under the axis
"xlabel", "ylabel" and "zlabel" are labels to be written parallel
to the x-, y- and z-axes. "xmajor", "ymajor" and "zmajor" are
the major tick intervals in world coordinates. "xminor", "yminor"
and "zminor" are the number of subticks that will be drawn between major
ticks, with a value of zero causing a suitable number to be chosen.
"zconfig" is a string of characters determining the way in which the
vertical sides of the box will be drawn:
Character | Meaning
b | Draws z-axis to the left of the box
c | Draws z-axis to the right of the box
d | Draws grid lines parallel to the x-y plane at the back
| of the box.
| These lines are only drawn once the content of the box
| has been completed to facilitate hidden line removal
i | Draw the tick marks away from the box
l | Labels are calculated logarithmically
| (you should, however calculate the logarithms of the data
| to be plotted yourself)
m | Draw numerical labels at major ticks at the right-hand
| vertical axis
n | Draw numerical labels at major ticks at the left-hand
| vertical axis
s | Draw minor tick marks
t | Draw major tick marks
u | Write \tt zlabel at the left-hand vertical axis
v | Write \tt zlabel at the right-hand vertical axis
FROM plclr TO plenv
/* DOCUMENT func plclr
Clears the graphics screen, or ejects the current page from the printer
See also: plpage, pladv
/* DOCUMENT func plcol(int colour)
Sets the drawing colour to "colour".
See also: pllsty, plwid
/* DOCUMENT func plcont(z,clevel,x,y)
Draws contours of the values in z, which is specified at the points in x
and y. The contours are drawn at the levels specified in the vector
/* DOCUMENT func plcont(z,nlevel)
Draws "nlevel" linearly spaced contours of the values in "z". The values
in "z" are assumed to be equally spaced eliminating the need to supply
the arrays "x" and "y".
See also: plcont.
/* DOCUMENT plend
Ends PLPlot session. This is compulsory!
/* DOCUMENT func plenv(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,just,axis)
Sets up plotting environment in current window, drawing a box around the
viewport and labelling axes. The coordinate system is set up using the
limits "xmin","xmax","ymin","ymax". If "just" is 1 the scales of the x and
y axes are made equal. The parameter "axis" controls the drawing of the bow
around the viewport:
-2: No box or annotation
-1: Draw box only
0: Draw box, labeled with coordinate values around edge
1: Box, labels and two axes at x=0,y=0
2: Box, labels, axes, grid at major ticks
10: Log x axis, linear y axis
11: Log x axis, linear y axis, line at y=0
20: Log y axis, linear x axis
21: Log y axis, linear x axis, line at x=0
30: Log x and y axes
FROM plerrx TO plhist
/* DOCUMENT func plerrx(double array xmin,double array xmax,double array y)
Draws horizontal error bars , with the i'th bar extending from xmin(i) to
xmax(i), at a height of y.
See also: plerry
/* DOCUMENT func plerry(double array ymin,double array ymax,double array x)
Draws vertical error bars , with the i'th bar extending from ymin(i) to
ymax(i), at x.
See also: plerry
/* DOCUMENT func plfill(double array x,double array y)
Fills the polygon with the vertices in x, and y. The last vertex is
automatically closed. Use the pattern defined by plpat or plpsty.
See also: plpsty,plpat
/* DOCUMENT func plfont(int font)
Selects the text font:
1. Normal simplex
2. Roman
3. Italic
4. Script
For 2-4 to be operational, the extended fonts must be loaded using
See also: plfontld, plmtex
/* DOCUMENT func plfontld(int set)
Loads a font set: 0. Normal simplex
1. Extended
See also: plfont
/* DOCUMENT func plhist(int nbin, double array data, double datmin,
double datmax,intoldwin)
Bins "data" into "nbin" bins between "datmin" and "datmax" and calls
plbin to draw a histogram. If oldwin=0 plenv is called before plbin, if
oldwin=1 the histogram is plotted in the current viewport.
See also: plbin,plenv
FROM plinit TO plmtex
/* DOCUMENT plinit
Starts PLPlot session. It is your own responsibility to set up the device
first, using "plsdev", and the viewport using "plwindow" or "plstick"
See also plstart, plsdev, plwindow, plstick
/* DOCUMENT func pljoin(x1,x2,y1,y2)
Joins the points (of type double) (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) using the current
line attributes.
See also: pllsty, plcol, plwid.
/* DOCUMENT func pllab(xlabel,ylabel,toplabel)
Writes labels below, to the left, and above the current viewport.
See also: plptex, plmtex, plschr,plfont,plfontld.
/* DOCUMENT func plline(x,y)
Draws a line through the points in the arrays "x" and "y" in the current
window, in the current line attributes.
See also: pllsty, plcol, plwid.
/* DOCUMENT func plline3(x,y,z)
Draws a line through the points in the arrays "x", "y" and "z" in the
current window, in the current line attributes.
See also: plw3, plline3, plbox3, plmesh, plplot3.
/* DOCUMENT func pllsty(int style)
Sets the linestyle to "style". Currently defined linestyles include:
1 Solid
2 Long dashes
3 Medium dashes
4 Short dashes
5 Dotted
6 Dash-dot-dot
7 Dash-dot
See also: plcol, plwid
/* DOCUMENT func plmtex(string side,double disp,pos,double just,string text)
Draws a text string (last argument) relative to some side of the box:
"t" top,"b" (bottom), "l" (left), and "r"
(right). To draw the text vertically, add the letter "v" to the string.
The number "disp" is a floating point number indicating the
FROM plmtex TO plpage
displacement relative to the box drawn in the subpage, with a positive
number indicating a position outside the box. The number "pos" is the
position of a reference point along the selected part of the box, for
which a number between 0 and 1 must be supplied. A value of 0.5 indicates
the centre of the specified edge of the box, while 0 indicates the
leftmost point possible along the edge, and 1 indicating the rightmost
point along the edge (depending on the orientation of the text to be
written). The number "just" is a floating point number between 0 and
1 which indicates the position of the reference point along the string,
with 0.5 indicating that the text is to be centred with respect to the
reference point, 0 indicating the reference point to be at the left of
the string, and 1 at the right of the string. In this way it is possible
to centre, left-justify, and right-justify the string anywhere along one
of the four edges of the plot.
Finally, the text to be printed will be drawn in the currently selected
font. Certain control characters are recognized:
Code | Meaning
#d | Begin subscripting mode, or end superscripting
#u | Begin superscripting, or end sunscripting
#g | Switch to Greek font
#r | Switch to Roman font
#i | Use italic font
#- | Toggle underline mode
#+ | Toggle overline mode
#(14)| Print Hershey character number 14
| (See Appendix B for a list of charaters)
Note however, that in order to use the extra fonts, they must have been
loaded previously with the command plfontld,1
See also: plfont
/* DOCUMENT func plot3d(double x,y,z,int opt,side)
Plots a 3D surface plot within the environment set up by plw3d.
The surface is defined as z[i][j] at the points x[i] and y[j], with nx,nx
points in total.
opt: 1. Draw lines showing z as a function of x for each value of y.
2. Draw lines showing z as a function of y for each value of x.
3. 1 and 2 combined.
If side=1, then vertical sides are drawn, so that the surface doesn't
float in the air.
See also: plpmesh
/* DOCUMENT func plpage
Advances to the next page.
See also: pladv, plclr
FROM plpmesh TO plschr
/* DOCUMENT func plot3d(double x,y,z,int opt,side)
Plots a 3D surface plot within the environment set up by plw3d.
The surface is defined as z(i,j) at the points x(i) and y(j).
"opt": 1. Draw lines showing z as a function of x for each value of y.
2. Draw lines showing z as a function of y for each value of x.
3. 1 and 2 combined.
Using plpmesh, the underside of the suface is also visible, as opposed to
See also: plot3d.
/* DOCUMENT func plpoin(x,y,code)
Draws symbols at the values specified in the arrays "x", "y". The
symbol type is selected by "code", which accepts ASCII values, as well as
special characters (0-31). See Appendix A of the Yplot tutorial.
/* DOCUMENT func plpoin3(x,y,z,code)
Draws symbols at the values specified in the arrays "x", "y" and "z" in 3D
space. The symbol is selected by "code", which accepts ASCII values, as
well as special characters (0-31).
See also: plw3, plline3, plbox3, plmesh, plplot3.
/* DOCUMENT func plprec(int set,int prec)
Sets the number of characters to be drawn after the decimal point by plbox
and plbox3. If set=0 this is done automatically.
/* DOCUMENT func plptex(double x,y,dx,dy,just,string text)
Plots text in the viewport at (x,y) at an angle of dx/dy. "just"
indicates the part of the string to be aligned to (x,y): 0 being the left
and 1 being the right.
See also: plfont,plmtex
/* DOCUMENT func plschr(double height,double scale)
Sets the height of subsequent characters to be drawn. The actual height is
the product of the "height" and the "scale" factor. If height=0, the
previous (or default) height is preserved and only the scale factor is
FROM plsdev TO plsori
/* DOCUMENT plstart(string dev)
Starts PLPlot session using device "dev".
Used when you want to set up your own windows.
See also: window, sticky_window, plstart, plgdev
/* DOCUMENT func plsfile(string fname)
Sets the current output file, if applicable to the current driver.
/* DOCUMENT func plshade(z,clevel,x,y)
Draws shaded contours of the values in "z", the intervals must be
specified in the array "clevel".
/* DOCUMENT func plshade(z,clevel)
Draws shaded contours of the values in "z", the intervals must be
specified in the array clevel. The values of z are assumed to be valid at
the points specified by the index of the z-value in the 2D matrix. Eg
z(3,4) specifies the value of z at the position x=3 and y=4.
/* DOCUMENT func plsmaj(double height,double scale)
Sets the length of subsequent major tick marks. The actual height is
the product of the "height" and the "scale" factor. If height=0, the
previous (or default) height is preserved and only the scale factor is
/* DOCUMENT func plsmin(double height,double scale)
Sets the length of subsequent minor tick marks. The actual height is
the product of the "height" and the "scale" factor. If height=0, the
previous (or default) height is preserved and only the scale factor is
/* DOCUMENT func plsori(int ori)
Sets plot orientation, with 0 being the compiled-in default (normally
landscape). Note that the aspect ratio is preserved when a different
orientation is selected, so that the page is not neccesarily covered as
with the compiled-in orientation.
FROM plspage TO plvpas
/* DOCUMENT func plspage(double xpixels,ypixels,int xlength,ylength,
Sets up the page. Used differently by various drivers. The X11 driver
uses the length and offset parameters to determine window size and
/* DOCUMENT func plssym(double height,double scale)
Sets the height of subsequent symbols to be drawn. The actual height is
the product of the "height" and the "scale" factor. If height=0, the
previous (or default) height is preserved and only the scale factor is
/* DOCUMENT plstart(dev,xpanes,ypanes)
Starts PLPlot session using device "dev", and dividing the plotting area
into "xpanes" by "ypanes" subwindows.
/* DOCUMENT func plstick(int xnum,ynum,currentx,currenty,
Sets up a plotting window such that xnum X ynum fits onto a page, and
make the active window the one at column currentx anr row currenty,
starting at the top left. The "space" parameters specify whether space is
to be left open at the relevant side for annotations etc. If all the
"space" paramters are set equal to 1, plstick is equivalent to plwindow.
/* DOCUMENT func plvpor(double xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)
Sets up viewport in millimeters.
/* DOCUMENT func pltext
Sets the output device to text mode.
See also: plgr
/* DOCUMENT func plvasp(double aspect)
Sets up viewport so that it has the given aspect ratio.
/* DOCUMENT func plvpas(double xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,aspect)
Sets up viewport in normalized subpage coordinates, so that it has the
given aspect ratio within the coordinates given.
FROM plvpor TO pread_column
/* DOCUMENT func plvpor(double xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)
Sets up viewport in normalized subpage coordinates, ie between 0 and 1.
/* DOCUMENT func plvsta
Sets up the standard viewport: seven character heights on the left, and
three on the other sides.
/* DOCUMENT func plw3d(double basex,double basey,double height,
double xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,
double alt,az)
Sets up a 3D cuboid with coordinate sizes basex,basey, and height (in world
coordinates)as set up with plwindow. The actual plotting is then done
between (x,y,z)min and (x,y,z)max. The box is then viewed at an azimuth of
"az" in degrees, and an elevation of "alt" in degrees.
/* DOCUMENT func plwid(int width)
Sets the line width to "width".
See also: pllsty, plcol
/* DOCUMENT func plwind(double xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)
Sets up the world coordinates of the edges of the viewport.
See also plwindow,plstick
/* DOCUMENT func plwindow(int xnum,ynum,currentx,currenty)
Sets up a plotting window such that xnum X ynum fits onto a page, and
make the active window the one at column currentx anr row currenty,
starting at the top left.
/* DOCUMENT func pread_block(fname,blocnum,blockstart,xcol,xsize)
Reads an array of doubles from file "fname", from block no. "blocknum".
A block is defined as starting with the string in "blockstart". Values are
read from the column "xcol". Missing values should be marked with "*".
Because the length of the block is unknown, a maximum size "xsize" must be
specified. The result of the function is a vector.
/* DOCUMENT pread_column(fname, line1, line2, xcol)
Reads an vector of doubles from file "fname", from column no. "xcol",
starting at "line1" and ending at "line2". Missing values should be marked
with a '*'. The result of the function is a vector.
FROM pread_matrix TO y_plfont
/* DOCUMENT pread_matrix(fname, line1, line2, xcol,xnum)
Reads an array of doubles from file "fname", xnum columns starting
from column no. "xcol", starting at "line1" and ending at "line2".
Missing values should be marked with a '*'. The result of the function is
an array of doubles.
/* DOCUMENT pwrite_data(fname,x,y)
Prints out the arrays of double "x" and "y" to file "fname" in two column